MIKA最新番号 《你的名字》在中国大热
发布日期:2024-08-26 04:45    点击次数:100

MIKA最新番号 《你的名字》在中国大热




Japanese anime film Your Name has already been a huge success in its own country. And now it has become the country's most successful film yet at the Chinese box office. 日本动画电影《你的名字》依然在原土取得了雄伟捷利。如今它已成为中国电影票房史上最胜利的日本电影。

Despite the lack of big-name Hollywood stars or expensive stunts, it has taken nearly $78m since its debut in early December. 尽管莫得好莱坞大牌明星或荣华特技,然而该片自12月初上映以来依然获利了近7800万好意思元的票房。

So why is it doing so well? The BBC's Ashleigh Nghiem takes a look. 那么,为什么它的推崇如斯出色呢?英国播送公司的阿什莉•纳姆将带您一探究竟。

It's appealing to Chinese looking for escapism 该片简略招引有遁入实践思法的中国东谈主

Written and directed by 43-year-old Makoto Shinkai, Your Name is a love story about two teenagers who swap bodies. 《你的名字》是对于两个互换体魄的青少年之间的爱情故事,43岁的新海诚担任该片编剧和导演。

The dreamy drama about missed connections involving young star-crossed lovers has captured the imagination of Chinese audiences. 这部虚幻般的电影论说了一双糟糕的年青情侣多次错过的恋情,引发了中国不雅众的思象力。

For evidence, look no further than the reviews on the Chinese film rating site, maoyan.com - where reviews have averaged 9.3 out of 10. 望望中国电影评分网站猫眼网的评述,这便是把柄。《你的名字》的平均评分为9.3,满分10分。

"The film was beautiful beyond words and every shot was like a painting," one cinema goer Taylor wrote. “这部电影好意思到无法用话语态状,每一个镜头皆像一幅画。”电影不雅众泰勒写谈。

But it is perhaps the element of fantasy that appeals to young Chinese looking for a little escapism. 而也许恰是这些虚幻元素招引了思要遁入实践的中国年青东谈主。

"Watching this film made me miss the springtime of my youth and that really touched me," said one fan. 一位粉丝说:“看这部电影让我追悼起我方的成长岁月,这真实让我很感动。”

Timing is everything 时机决定一切MIKA最新番号

Film experts believe Your Name has struck a chord with young Chinese at just the right time. 电影内行以为,《你的名字》在顺应的本事引起了中国后生的共识。

"It's a love story targeted at the demographic with the most amount of disposable income, the so-called 'Post 90s' generation which has been driving the box office boom," said Jonathan Papish, film industry analyst for China Film Insider. 《中国电影内幕》的电影行业分析师乔纳森•帕彼斯暗示,“这部爱情电影针对的年事段不雅众的可愚弄收入是最高的,所谓的‘90后’一代带动了电影票房爆火。”

"It also fits well with the ACGN (Anime, Comic, Game, Novel) youth subculture that is growing in popularity in China," MrPapish added. 帕彼斯补充说,“这也与在中国越来越受接待的动漫(动画、漫画、游戏、演义)后生亚文化非常契合。”

With 200 million young consumers, the youth entertainment market is expanding fast. According to the Chinese investment bank CITIC securities,少妇空姐 the market is set to double to 500bn yuan within a few years. 有着2亿年青破钞者的后生文娱市集正在快速推广。据中国投资银行中信证券称,后生文娱市集的价值将在几年内增长一倍,达到5000亿元东谈主民币。

Chinese consumers are looking for an international flavour in their fashion, travel choices and purchasing habits, he says, so why should the film market be any different? 帕彼斯说,在先锋、出行聘用和购物俗例方面,中国破钞者正寻求国际化的格调,电影市集莫得事通晓有所不同。

Is it a one-off? 这是好景不常吗?

With box office ticket sales of nearly $78m, the 2D animation replaces Stand By Me Doreamon as the top grossing Japanese film of all time in China. 这部2D动画电影凭借着近7800万好意思元的票房取代了《哆啦A梦:伴我同业》,成为有史以来在中国最卖座的日本电影。

And that could just be the tip of the iceberg for anime creators. 而这对动漫创作家来说可能仅仅冰山一角。

Foreign sales of Japanese animation surged almost 80% last year to nearly $300m, according to the Association of Japanese Animations, though it could not say how much of that bump came from China. 据日本动画协会称,昨年日本动画的外洋销售为3亿好意思元,激增近80%,不外不可详情这其中有若干是来自中国的。

One thing that's certain though: success is not guaranteed. 但有少量是详情的:胜利不是势必的。

"Japanese anime is well known and popular in China, however not all films achieve box office success," said RancePow, Chief Executive of the Asian film consultancy, Artisan Gateway. 亚洲电影接洽公司艺匠影业首席实践官兰斯•保罗称,“日本动漫在中国颇具有名度和东谈主气,但不是通盘日本电影的票房皆取得了胜利。”

Nine of the 11 Japanese movies released in China this year were animated films but only three of them took in more than $20m in ticket sales. 本年在中国上映的11部日本电影中有9部是动画电影,然而其中只消三部影片的票房销量跨越了2000万好意思元。

Mr Pow believes well-known Japanese franchises that have an established fan base should fare well in China, particularly with millennials who grew up with many of the characters. 保罗以为,依然具有粉丝基础的有名日本动漫在中国应该推崇可以,终点是在千禧一代的年青东谈主中,因为很多扮装伴跟着他们的成长。

But takings for Japanese films still lag far behind most Hollywood blockbusters in China. 但在中国,日本电影的票房收入仍然远远不足大大量好莱坞大片。

Furious 7 raked in more than $350m, Transformers: Age of Extinction pulled in $286m and Zootopia took $221m in ticket sales. 《速率与情感7》的票房跨越3.5亿好意思元,《变形金刚4:绝迹更生》的票房为2.86亿好意思元,而《自便动物城》的票房为2.21亿好意思元。

So are foreign markets now anime's goal? 是以,如今动画电影的目标是外洋市集吗?

Your Name's success has not been limited to China. It recently won the 2016 Los Angeles Film Critics Association award for the best animated film and is being considered for an Oscar nomination.《你的名字》的胜利不仅限于中国。该片最近拿下了2016年洛杉矶影评东谈主协会大奖的最好动画电影,并被以为是奥斯卡奖的提名候选。

But Your Name producers told the BBC that the Japanese market remained its primary focus. 但《你的名字》的制作公司对英国播送公司称,日本市集仍然是他们的发展要点。

"Usually in Japan, business can be completed domestically, so there was no thinking that you have to go overseas from the business point of view," said Genki Kawamura from the Japanese film distribution company Toho. 日本电影刊行公司东宝株式会社的川村元气暗示,“在日本,国内市集相似就能闲隙企业,因此从生意角度来看,莫得必要进犯外洋。”

"But dubbing helped us to overcome language barriers and with animation we can express the big world without a big set or the location, to reach a wider audience abroad." “但电影配音匡助咱们克服了话语遏止,借助动漫电影咱们不需要雄伟的配景或神态就可以呈现一个大寰宇,从而赢得更多的外洋不雅众。”

Success overseas looks set to be an increasingly important source of revenue for Japan's anime industry. 在外洋取得胜利似乎将成为日本动漫产业日益迫切的收入着手。

While anime resonates with Japan's young people, its appeal could diminish over time as its target audience at home gets older. 天然日本的年青东谈主对动漫很有共识,但跟着原土目标受众的老去,其招引力会安宁隐匿。

"In 2025, more than a quarter of our population will be over 65 years old and our birth rate is lower than Germany and all OECD nations," said Sejiro Takeshita, Professor of Management and Information at the University of Shizuoka. 日本静冈县立大学信息贬责学评释竹下暗示,“到2025年,日本65岁以上的东谈主口将跨越四分之一,咱们的出身率低于德国和经济配合与发展组织的通盘成员国。”

"If you combine those together and you're a Japanese company, you better start thinking about expanding overseas to create new demand." “是以轮廓这些身分,要是你是一家日本公司,你最好启动议论外洋推广,以创造新的需求。”

英文着手:BBC 翻译:董静编审:yaningMIKA最新番号